With our in-depth and comprehensive know-how we offer you the right products, services and solutions for your industry


For projects in the industry with the highest quality and safety standards, we offer an enormous range of EI&C and electrical engineering services as a single-source provider, in addition to highly trained personnel in sufficient capacity and with short response times.

Our regular customers in the industry have been relying on us for decades. This is reflected in the numerous framework agreements we have in place.  As a full-service provider, we serve the chemical, petrochemical, semiconductor, plastics, food, paper, automotive, pharmaceutical, steel and aluminium industries as well as the plant and mechanical engineering sectors on a daily basis.

We are the ideal partner for the smooth and timely completion of large-scale projects, projects with tight deadlines and projects on installations that are already in operation. We meet the highest quality standards thanks to our long-standing experience, well-trained staff and safety awareness. This is proven by our accident statistics, which are well below the industry average. The sustainability of our industrial solutions is proven by both our EcoVadis rating and TFS audit.

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